Frequently Asked Questions

1. How often can a patient receive a Vacuflex Concepts treatment?

The number and intervals of treatments that a patient should undergo is dependent on the patient’s age, severity of condition and ability to cope with elimination. Therapists must use their own discretion. Treatments can be administered as often as once or even twice a day, over a period of 3 to 7 days.

Patients who have suffered a stroke have been treated with Vacuflex Concepts with very pleasing results. Usually they require numerous treatments in order to increase their oxygen levels, but it is advisable to wait until their initial reactions have been observed before commencing with subsequent treatments. The elimination experienced after the first treatment is often due to other conditions and congestions of various other systems, rather than the stroke itself.

Back problems are also very effectively treated with Vacuflex Concepts. Again, as with most cases of sports injuries or functional problems, the patient may at first respond to other existing conditions by eliminating noticeably. After this has died down, numerous treatments can be freely applied. Practitioners have been known to work on patients suffering from severely painful back problems day after day or even numerous times daily with tremendously good results.

Most conditions are successfully and comfortably treated with weekly treatments. This gives the patient time to deal with any initial elimination before the next session.

2. How effective is a Vacuflex Concepts treatment with sports injuries?

Over the years therapists have used the Vacuflex Concepts for treatment of sports injuries such as a sprained ankle. Improvements are great, even reducing a severely swollen foot to the extent that a shoe can be worn again within a week. It may seem inappropriate to apply a treatment that involves pressure to the foot, especially if it is swollen and discoloured, but the opposite is true as the pressure from the boots forces blood, nutrients and oxygen to the area and disperses the congestion. This logic can be compared to the approach of  conventional doctors who when dealing with conditions of bad circulation, such as severe varicose veins or oedema, use very tight stockings in order to support the veins and lymphatic system. Similarly, the pressure of the boots during a Vacuflex Concepts treatment provides a comparable, if not deeper, affect.

3. Can the Vacuflex Concepts be used on patients with physical disabilities?

The Vacuflex Concepts has been used to treat various patients with physical disability, including paraplegic patients in wheel chairs. The treatments have produced great results, improving the circulation of blood and increasing the oxygen levels.

4. Are there any contra-indications to be aware of?

There are no contra-indications as such with the use of Vacuflex Concepts, however there are a few conditions where practitioners should exercise extreme caution:


Should a patient arrive with a deep vein thrombosis, treatment should not be given as clinical evidence as to the effect of the treatment is not yet clear. It may be possible that the treatment could release the clot which would be dangerous. If the patient has been taking blood-thinning medication for some time and has been told by a doctor that the clot has dissolved, there is no danger in offering treatments.


A patient with diabetes should be made aware of the importance of checking blood sugar levels after a treatment as insulin levels can alter. It is advisable that they check their levels before administering a regular dose of insulin as they may find that they need less. Another hazard to be aware of in the case of diabetes is deep vein inflammation. In such a case, care must be taken not to attach the straps over an inflamed area and not to apply too much pressure with the boots. In severe cases it may be necessary to give an extremely gentle treatment, or even a partial treatment that only involves using the pads.


In the case of postoperative patients, it will not be the treatment itself that will be difficult to handle, but the elimination. In the first few weeks after surgery, it is recommended to give very mild and gentle treatments, increasing the pressure gradually and discussing the effect of elimination with the patients.

5. What are the typical reactions during and after a Vacuflex Concepts treatment?

Reactions during a treatment are usually pleasant. The patient feels calm and relaxed, or energised and rejuvenated. One of the main contributors towards a calm feeling is the fact that the solar plexus reflex in each foot (kidney no. 1 acupuncture point) is stimulated during the boot treatment.

Certain factors influence a patient’s response to a treatment:

  • Age and well-being
  • Overall health profile
  • State of the condition presented – acute or chronic and how long has the patient been experiencing the condition
  • Medication – type and duration
  • Potential side effects of prescribed medication
  • Overall sensitivity and pain threshold
  • Regularity of treatments and other therapies being administrated
  • Adaptations to the patient’s lifestyle

Bearing in mind that the Vacuflex Concepts treatment activates the body’s own healing potential, this will in turn activate a healing crisis. This is a cleansing process as the body rids itself of accumulated toxins. The severity of the reactions will depend on the degree of the imbalance and usually manifests in the eliminating systems of the body – the kidneys, bowels, skin and lungs.

Common symptoms of elimination:

  • Increased urination which may be darker and stronger smelling as the kidneys are stimulated to eliminate the accumulated toxic content
  • Flatulence and more frequent bowel movements
  • Aggravated skin conditions such as acne and pimples
  • Increased perspiration
  • Increased secretions of the mucous membranes in the nose, mouth and bronchioles
  • Disrupted sleep patterns
  • Dizziness or nausea
  • A temporary outbreak of an illness which has been suppressed
  • Increased discharge from the vagina
  • Feverishness, often accompanied by tiredness and headaches
  • Depression and an overwhelming desire to weep

Whatever the reactions may be, these are a necessary part of the healing process and need to take place to cleanse the body. Patients must be informed about the healing crisis and told what to expect so as not to feel alarmed. It is also recommended to drink warm, boiled water or herbal teas as these will assist in rapidly cleansing the toxins from the system.

The improvements will show during subsequent treatments.